Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 1 - ADSC trial (All Day Sneezing and Coughing?)

Thank goodness that for today's All Dog Sports Club trial we were only signed up for two classes and that they were the first two of the day, cause I have a cold :( Snooker followed by Jumpers, a Q in each, with Walter running like a dream, really attentive and fastish (for him - dogwalk aside!) - he loves flowing lines where he can just open up and run. The Snooker video is missing the start and the Jumpers is a bit too zoomed in since my cheapo camera doesn't always cooperate with zooming out. But anyway it was quite a fun morning with some fun courses; the judge is from Saskatoon, where years ago I dreamed of moving to...

The Snooker allowed for a nice flowing opening with four reds so we did that instead of needing the #6 weaves in the closing, a good thing too since he ran right past them. Not crazy about how I chose to handle the ending to the Jumpers run from the tire to the next jump, but Walter didn't seem to mind too much. Lots of people stayed on the left of the jump after the tire, then rear crossed the next jump for a much more flowing line than the way I handled it. Oh but hey, tons of front crosses in that Jumpers and I'm glad to see I don't seem to be bending forward nearly as much as I used to.

Back for three more tomorrow.


Elf said...

Nice running for being a sickie. I find it so hard to run when I'm ill at all; it saps so much energy. Hope you're getting a good rest tonight to take proper care of yourself.

Muttsandaklutz said...

Yeah, I was lucky our events were first thing in the morning, when my colds are at their least worst (?) for the day. Yep, got a good night of sleep - thanks!

Sam said...

Great runs! That looks like it's a nice speed for him to run at. Quick enough that you don't go over time, but slow enough so that there's still control.

Muttsandaklutz said...

Thanks Sam! Yep, Walter's not one of those crazy-fast dogs who look like they're bordering on the edge of control and chaos. We have some of those around here and they are a blast to watch!

I've heard it said that if you feel like everything is under control, then you're not going fast enough! Kind of a neat saying.