Saturday, February 14, 2009

New blog feature

Sometimes I lament the fact that I have not one, but oh about seven different blogs to document Lucy and Walter's activities. I mean, I prefer that format for my own use because they're really training logs so it makes tracking each dog's progress in each sport really easy, but it must be a hassle for anyone who visits to have to check each blog individually to see if there's an update. So, I invite you to check out our revised home page,, which now has a nifty new feature on the right side showing each blog's latest update.

Maybe the new feature isn't all that useful though since there is the whole RSS / site feed thing? I have NO clue what that is or how it works, but I'm guessing if you're set up for site feeds then you don't have to actually visit individual blogs? (If anyone would like to enlighten me on this, I would appreciate it :-)

Anyway, hopefully the new updates gadget will be useful to someone out there!


Elayne said...

I don't know how to explain it in computer speak (you lost me at RSS) but I keep a list of blogs on a 'reader thingy' and if I look at the list it tells me which one has new posts. It doesn't always work though, sometimes there are new posts and it doesn't tell me for like a week. Don't know if it's the reader's fault or the blog's fault or what.

I'm not sure how that works with your new set-up but it told me about this new post so I guess it's not effecting anything.

Muttsandaklutz said...

Is your "reader thingy" free? Like a website you go to? If so, mind if I ask what the url is? I'm curious to see how it works.

Muttsandaklutz said...

Oops, just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting you give me access to your reader thingy account, but rather to the site so I could try signing up myself.

(...If that's how it works (I have no idea).)

Elf said...

Despite claiming to be a techie, the RSS and reader thingies are not something I've had the energy to explore, so I rely on just going to my fave blogs and looking. Not very effective, I'll admit. I kind of like having all your agility stuff in one blog, since that's what I'm interested in. I'd probably read the other sports if they were posted in the same place, because I do have curiosity about them plus it's your dogs so it would be interesting, but really I don't mind having less to read! :-)


Muttsandaklutz said...

I know what you mean... I have so many agility and other dogsport blogs bookmarked, it can easily eat up a whole evening going to visit each one to see if there's anything new. Ridiculous, really. A blog reader thingy is sounding better and better...

Gussie said...

I use igoogle to have all my agility blogs fed into one handy google home page. it works a treat, and i can see walter & lucys' agility updates nae bother!

you need to have a google account tho, which isn't for everyone.

Elayne said...

The blog reader thingy, I'm not sure how or if I signed up for it. When I open most blogs there's an orange and white 'button' icon thingy at the top of the page on my toolbar. I click on that button and then I click on 'Subscribe to this feed'. It's free and I'm not sure if I did something to initially set it up, it was so long ago. I think it's part of my blogger subscription. My computer at home has the feeder set up through 'Bloglines' and I think it's just and that was free too. That also works with the little orange/white button. There are some blogs that it doesn't work for but those are few and far between.